Friday, August 31, 2007

The Epicurean theory of virtue is the type of all those that make an

enlightened self-interest the basis of right and wrong
The Epicurean theory of virtue is the type of all those that make an
enlightened self-interest the basis of right and wrong. The four
cardinal virtues were explained from the Epicurean point of view.
_Prudence_ was the supreme rule of conduct. It was a calculation and
balancing of pleasures and pains. Its object was a judicious selection
of pleasures to be sought. It teaches men to forego idle wishes, and to
despise idle fears. _Temperance_ is the management of sensual
pleasures. It seeks to avoid excess, so as on the whole to extract as
much pleasure as our bodily organs are capable of affording.
_Fortitude_ is a virtue, because it overcomes fear and pain. It
consists in facing danger or enduring pain, to avoid greater possible
evils. _Justice_ is of artificial origin. It consists in a tacit
agreement among mankind to abstain from injuring one another. The
security that every man has in his person and property, is the great
consideration urging to abstinence from injuring others. But is it not
possible to commit injustice with safety? The answer was, "Injustice is
not an evil in itself, but becomes so from the fear that haunts the
injurer of not being able to escape the appointed avengers of such

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Thursday, August 30, 2007

In the same way, clothing has protected our bodies from the cold but

enervated or constricted them as well
In the same way, clothing has protected our bodies from the cold but
enervated or constricted them as well. The aboriginal tribes, even in
cold climates, seldom used clothing. The Eskimo is an exception. The
tribes toward the South Pole in similarly cold climates often have
little more clothing than a blanket which they hang over their shoulders
toward the wind. The weak, pale skin--to whose lack of adaptability we
owe the chilling preceding a cold--the bald head, the distorted foot,
the corns upon it, the cramped waist, are among the results of clothing
ourselves wrongly. Hence we are discovering the need of restoring, as
far as we can, the original conditions by making our clothes more light,
more loose, and more porous, and, when possible, by taking the 'barefoot
cure,' or the air bath.

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Laying down one"s right to anything is divesting one"s self of the

liberty of hindering another in the exercise of his own original right
to the same
Laying down one"s right to anything is divesting one"s self of the
liberty of hindering another in the exercise of his own original right
to the same. The right is _renounced_, when a man cares not for whose
benefit; _transferred_, when intended to benefit some certain person or
persons. In either case the man is _obliged_ or _bound_ not to hinder
those, in whose favour the right is abandoned, from the benefit of it;
it is his _duty_ not to make void his own voluntary act, and if he
does, it is _injustice_ or _injury_, because he acts now _sine Jure_.
Such conduct Hobbes likens to an intellectual absurdity or
self-contradiction. Voluntary signs to be employed in abandoning a
right, are words and actions, separately or together; but in all bonds,
the strength comes not from their own nature, but from the fear of evil
resulting from their rupture.

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4. Laplace, in common with Kant, laid great stress upon the
fact that the satellites all revolve around their planets from
west to east, nearly in the common plane of the solar system;
yet 6 or 7 years before Laplace"s publication, Herschel had
shown and published that the two recently discovered satellites
of Uranus were revolving about Uranus in a plane making an
angle of 98 degrees with the common plane of the solar system.
While Laplace might not have known of Uranus"s satellites in
1796, on account of existing political conditions, there is no
evidence that he considered or took note of the fact when
making minor changes in his published papers up to the time of
his death in 1827. It is a further interesting comment on
international scientific literature that Laplace died without
learning that Kant had worked in the same field.

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Wednesday, August 29, 2007

But not only did the Fijians live in a world peopled by

witches, wizards, prophets, seers and fortune-tellers, but
there was a perfect army of fairies which overran the whole
land, and the myths concerning which would have filled volumes
could they ever have been gathered
But not only did the Fijians live in a world peopled by
witches, wizards, prophets, seers and fortune-tellers, but
there was a perfect army of fairies which overran the whole
land, and the myths concerning which would have filled volumes
could they ever have been gathered. The gnome-like spirits of
the mountains had peaked heads, and were of a vicious, impish
disposition, but were powerless to injure any one who carried a
fern leaf in his hand.

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Tuesday, August 28, 2007


DR. JACQUES LORE, of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical
Research, has been elected a foreign fellow of the Linnean
Society, London.--Dr. David Bancroft Johnson, president of
Winthrop Normal and Industrial College, of Rockhill, S. C., has
been elected president of the National Education Association,
in succession to Dr. David Starr Jordan, chancellor of Stanford

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Monday, August 27, 2007

There may be various ways of evoking and forming the moral sentiment,

but the one way most commonly trusted to, and never altogether
dispensed with, is the associating of pain, that is, punishment, with
the actions that are disallowed
There may be various ways of evoking and forming the moral sentiment,
but the one way most commonly trusted to, and never altogether
dispensed with, is the associating of pain, that is, punishment, with
the actions that are disallowed. Punishment is held out as the
consequence of performing certain actions; every individual is made to
taste of it; its infliction is one of the most familiar occurrences of
every-day life. Consequently, whatever else may be present in the
moral sentiment, this fact of the connexion of pain with forbidden
actions must enter into it with an overpowering prominence. Any
natural or primitive impulse in the direction of duty must be very
marked and apparent, in order to divide with this communicated bias
the direction of our conduct. It is for the supporters of innate
distinctions to point out any concurring impetus (apart from the
Prudential and Sympathetic regards) sufficiently important to cast
these powerful associations into a secondary or subordinate position.

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Sunday, August 26, 2007

The tracing of Agreement and of Disagreement, which are functions of

the Understanding, is really the source of simple ideas
The tracing of Agreement and of Disagreement, which are functions of
the Understanding, is really the source of simple ideas. Thus, Equality
is a simple idea originating in this source; so are Proportion,
Identity and Diversity, Existence, Cause and Effect, Power, Possibility
and Impossibility; and (as he means ultimately to show) Right and

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And here, as elsewhere, habits are formed through performing the acts

upon which the habit rests
And here, as elsewhere, habits are formed through performing the acts
upon which the habit rests. If there are emotional habits we are
desirous of forming, what we have to do is to indulge the emotional
expression of the type we desire, and the habit will follow. If we wish
to form the habit of living in a chronic state of the blues, then all we
have to do is to be blue and act blue sufficiently, and this form of
emotional expression will become a part of us. If we desire to form the
habit of living in a happy, cheerful state, we can accomplish this by
encouraging the corresponding expression.

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Saturday, August 25, 2007

Whatever their course in the instances cited and in many

others, reversals in the processes of development do take
Whatever their course in the instances cited and in many
others, reversals in the processes of development do take
place. In perhaps their simplest form these can be seen in egg
cells. The development of a fragment of an egg as a complete
whole involves reversals in the processes of differentiation of
a very subtle order. The fusion of two eggs to one involves
similar readjustments. Such phenomena have been held to be
peculiar to living machines only. Yet it may be pointed out
that there are counterparts of both in the behavior of
so-called liquid crystals. When liquid crystals of
paraazoxyzimtsaure-Athylester are divided, the parts are
smaller in size, but otherwise identical with the parent
crystal in form, structure and optical properties. The fusion
of two crystals of ammonium oleate forming a single crystal of
larger size has also been observed. Though changes in
equilibrium that accompany such behavior of liquid crystals are
undoubtedly very much simpler than the changes that accompany
the regulatory processes exhibited by the living egg, the
striking resemblance between the phenomena themselves tempts us
not to magnify the difference.

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It must be remembered that the mere construction of the proper kind of

buildings does not insure ventilation
It must be remembered that the mere construction of the proper kind of
buildings does not insure ventilation. We may have model dwellings, with
ideal window-space and ventilating apparatus, but unless these are
actually used, we do not benefit thereby.

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All this is the fruit of ignorance; all this may be removed by general

All this is the fruit of ignorance; all this may be removed by general
learning. If all men are learned, the work of the world will be
performed by learned men; and why, under such circumstances, should not
every vocation that is honest be equally honorable? But if this, in a
broad view, seem utopian, can we not agree that learning is the only
means by which a poor man can escape from his poverty? And, if it
furnish certain means of escape for one man, will it not furnish equally
certain means of escape for many? And if so, is not learning a general
remedy for the inequalities among men?

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Stockard,[32] in his experiments on animals, has demonstrated

conclusively that the germ cells of males can be so injured by allowing
the subjects to inhale the fumes of alcohol that they give rise to
defective offspring, although mated with vigorous untreated females
Stockard,[32] in his experiments on animals, has demonstrated
conclusively that the germ cells of males can be so injured by allowing
the subjects to inhale the fumes of alcohol that they give rise to
defective offspring, although mated with vigorous untreated females. The
offspring of those so treated when reaching maturity are usually nervous
and slightly undersize. These effects are apparently conveyed through
the descendants for at least three generations. Such evidence
establishes at least the probability of the transmission of serious ill
effects to human offspring through alcoholic indulgence of the male

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Friday, August 24, 2007

Pains, erroneously ascribed to rheumatism or sciatica, are often due to

faulty posture
Pains, erroneously ascribed to rheumatism or sciatica, are often due to
faulty posture. Writer"s cramp and many other needless miseries are
caused by neglect to develop proper postural habits in working or

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What was the end of it all? The nation bred Romans no more

What was the end of it all? The nation bred Romans no more. To
cultivate the Roman fields 'whole tribes were borrowed.' The
man with quick eye and strong arm gave place to the slave, the
scullion, the pariah, whose lot is fixed because in him there
lies no power to alter it. So at last the Roman world, devoid
of power to resist, was overwhelmed by the swarming Ostrogoths.

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'The language of this requirement seems to imply that the classes below

the first are to draw and write words, in a plain script hand, without
any special pains to teach them, and that by such occupation they were
to be kept from idleness
'The language of this requirement seems to imply that the classes below
the first are to draw and write words, in a plain script hand, without
any special pains to teach them, and that by such occupation they were
to be kept from idleness. As I saw neither of these objects
accomplished in any primary school, I thought it worth while to satisfy
myself, by actual experiment, what can and ought to be done, in the use
of the slate and blackboard, in teaching writing and drawing in primary
schools. To accomplish this object, I have given a course of lessons in
a graded or classified school of the third class. The number of pupils
instructed in the class was about fifty. The materials of the school are
rather below the average; about twenty of the pupils being of that
description usually found in schools for special instruction. The
school-room is furnished, as every primary school-room should be, with
stationary chairs and desks, and Holbrook"s primary slates. Twenty-two
lessons, of from thirty to forty minutes each, were given, about
one-third of the time being devoted to drawing, and two-thirds to
writing. As to the method pursued, the main points were, to present but
a single element at a time; to illustrate on the blackboard defects and
excellences in execution; frequent review of the ground passed over,
especially in the _first_ steps of the course; a vigorous exercise of
all the mental faculties requisite for the performance of the task; and
a desire for improvement, encouraged and stimulated by the best and
strongest available motives; the greater part of the time being
bestowed upon the dull and backward pupils.

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Thursday, August 23, 2007

Learning is manifested in what we know; wisdom in what we are, based

upon what we know
Learning is manifested in what we know; wisdom in what we are, based
upon what we know. Philosophy, even, is love for wisdom rather than
wisdom itself. The old philosophers defined wisdom to be 'the knowledge
of things, both divine and human, together with the causes on which they
depend;' and in the proverb of Solomon, 'The fear of the Lord is the
instruction of wisdom.' Purity, truth, and justice, are also of its
foundation. Wise men of the Jewish and Pagan world built on this
foundation, and the Christian can build on none other. Having combined
learning with these essential virtues, a liberal, symmetrical,
comprehensive character may be built up. In the formation of such a
character, industry, powers of observation, strength of will and
intellectual humility, are requisite. The virtue and the glory of
industry cannot be presented too often to the young. I know of no
worldly good or human excellence that can be attained without it; nor is
there any inherited possession of name, or wealth, or position, that can
be preserved in its extent and quality without active, systematic,
judicious labor.

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So it may be with the school at Norwich a hundred years hence

So it may be with the school at Norwich a hundred years hence. The man
or state that sacrifices the living public judgment to the opinion of a
dead man, or a dead generation, makes a great mistake. We should never
substitute, beyond the power of revisal, the opinion of a past
generation for the opinion of a living generation. I trust to the living
men of to-day as to what is necessary to meet our existing wants, rather
than to the wisest men who lived in Greece or Rome. And, if I would not
trust the wise men of Greece and Rome, I do not know why the people, a
hundred years hence, should trust the wise men of our own time.

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Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The imaginations of even very young children may easily be forced into

sensual channels
The imaginations of even very young children may easily be forced into
sensual channels. A little girl, twelve years old, was one day brought
to the psychopathic clinic connected with the Chicago juvenile court.
She had been detained under police surveillance for more than a week,
while baffled detectives had in vain tried to verify the statements she
had made to her Sunday-school teacher in great detail of certain
horrible experiences which had befallen her. For at least a week no one
concerned had the remotest idea that the child was fabricating. The
police thought that she had merely grown confused as to the places to
which she had been 'carried unconscious.' The mother gave the first clue
when she insisted that the child had never been away from her long
enough to have had these experiences, but came directly home from school
every afternoon for her tea, of which she habitually drank ten or twelve
cups. The skilful questionings at the clinic, while clearly establishing
the fact of a disordered mind, disclosed an astonishing knowledge of the
habits of the underworld.

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Monday, August 20, 2007

Ten thousand American chemists are at present engaged in

pursuits which affect over 1,000,000 wage-earners and produce
over $5,000,000,000 worth of manufactured products each year
Ten thousand American chemists are at present engaged in
pursuits which affect over 1,000,000 wage-earners and produce
over $5,000,000,000 worth of manufactured products each year.
These trained men have actively and effectively collaborated in
bringing about stupendous results in American industry. There
are, in fact, at least nineteen American industries in which
the chemist has been of great assistance, either in founding
the industry, in developing it, or in refining the methods of
control or of manufacture, thus ensuring profits, lower costs
and uniform outputs.

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Sunday, August 19, 2007

Sometimes the battle of motives is short, the decision being reached as

soon as there is time to summon all the reasons on both sides of the
Sometimes the battle of motives is short, the decision being reached as
soon as there is time to summon all the reasons on both sides of the
question. At other times the conflict may go on at intervals for days or
weeks, neither set of motives being strong enough to vanquish the other
and dictate the decision. When the motives are somewhat evenly balanced
we wisely pause in making a decision, because when one line of action is
taken, the other cannot be, and we hesitate to lose either opportunity.
A state of indecision is usually highly unpleasant, and no doubt more
than one decision has been hastened in our lives simply that we might be
done with the unpleasantness attendant on the consideration of two
contrary and insistent sets of motives.

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Throughout this volume the phrase 'social evil' is used to designate the

sexual commerce permitted to exist in every large city, usually in a
segregated district, wherein the chastity of women is bought and sold
Throughout this volume the phrase 'social evil' is used to designate the
sexual commerce permitted to exist in every large city, usually in a
segregated district, wherein the chastity of women is bought and sold.
Modifications of legal codes regarding marriage and divorce, moral
judgments concerning the entire group of questions centring about
illicit affection between men and women, are quite other questions which
are not considered here. Such problems must always remain distinct from
those of commercialized vice, as must the treatment of an irreducible
minimum of prostitution, which will doubtless long exist, quite as
society still retains an irreducible minimum of murders. This volume
does not deal with the probable future of prostitution, and gives only
such historical background as is necessary to understand the present
situation. It endeavors to present the contributory causes, as they have
become registered in my consciousness through a long residence in a
crowded city quarter, and to state the indications, as I have seen them,
of a new conscience with its many and varied manifestations.

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Education finds in the dramatic instinct a valuable aid

Education finds in the dramatic instinct a valuable aid. Progressive
teachers are using it freely, especially in the teaching of literature
and history. Its application to these fields may be greatly increased,
and also extended more generally to include religion, morals, and art.

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Saturday, August 18, 2007

Prudence, in the shape of aversion to pain, is rendered more acute

when the pain is accompanied with Fear
Prudence, in the shape of aversion to pain, is rendered more acute
when the pain is accompanied with Fear. The perturbation of fear rises
up as a deterring motive when dangers loom in the distance. One
powerful check to the commission of injury is the retaliation of the
sufferer, which is a danger of the vague and illimitable kind,
calculated to create alarm.

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A gentleman very much interested in Eugenics visited Aosta, in Italy,

just outside of Switzerland, once in 1900 and again in 1910
A gentleman very much interested in Eugenics visited Aosta, in Italy,
just outside of Switzerland, once in 1900 and again in 1910. In 1900 he
found many of these creatures among the beggars in the streets, in the
asylums, in the home, in the orphan asylum--everywhere he ran across
these awful apologies for human beings. But in 1910 he found only one!
What had happened? Simply that a few resolute intelligent reformers had
changed the entire situation. An isolation institution, or rather two
institutions, one for the men and the other for the women, were
established. In these the best care of the inmates was taken as long as
they lived, and they do not live long. But pains were taken to see that
by no possibility could marriage or mating of those people take place.
They forfeited any such rights in return for the care that they received
from the State.

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Friday, August 17, 2007


6. Do you number those among your acquaintance who seem bright enough,
so far as learning is concerned, but who cannot get anything
accomplished? Is the trouble on the expression side of their character?
What are you doing about your own powers of expression? Are you seeking
to cultivate expression in new lines? Is there danger in attempting too
many lines?

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He sums up the chapter thus:--"That, by an original power of the mind,

which we call _conscience_, or the _moral faculty_, we have the
conceptions of right and wrong in human conduct, of merit and demerit,
of duty and moral obligation, and our other moral conceptions; and
that, by the same faculty, we perceive some things in human conduct to
be right, and others to be wrong; that the first principles of morals
are the dictates of this faculty; and that we have the same reason to
rely upon those dictates, as upon the determinations of our senses, or
of our other natural faculties
He sums up the chapter thus:--"That, by an original power of the mind,
which we call _conscience_, or the _moral faculty_, we have the
conceptions of right and wrong in human conduct, of merit and demerit,
of duty and moral obligation, and our other moral conceptions; and
that, by the same faculty, we perceive some things in human conduct to
be right, and others to be wrong; that the first principles of morals
are the dictates of this faculty; and that we have the same reason to
rely upon those dictates, as upon the determinations of our senses, or
of our other natural faculties." Hamilton remarks that this theory
virtually founds morality on intelligence.

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Thursday, August 16, 2007


3. In his chapter on the Cynic and Cyrenaic schools, he discusses at
length the summum bonum, or Happiness, and, by implication, the Ethical
end, or Standard. He considers that men have to keep in view _two_
ends; the one the maintenance of their own nature, as rational and
thinking beings; the other their happiness or pleasure. He will not
allow that we are to do right at all hazards, irrespective of utility;
yet he considers that there is something defective in the scheme that
sets aside virtue as the good, and enthrones happiness in its place. He
sums up as follows:--

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He adduces a number of illustrations to show that reason alone is

insufficient to make a moral sentiment
He adduces a number of illustrations to show that reason alone is
insufficient to make a moral sentiment. He bids us examine Ingratitude,
for instance; good offices bestowed on one side, ill-will on the other.
Reason might say, whether a certain action, say the gift of money, or
an act of patronage, was for the good of the party receiving it, and
whether the circumstances of the gift indicated a good intention on the
part of the giver; it might also say, whether the actions of the person
obliged were intentionally or consciously hurtful or wanting in esteem
to the person obliging. But when all this is made out by reason, there
remains the sentiment of abhorrence, whose foundations must be in the
emotional part of our nature, in our delight in manifested goodness,
and our abhorrence of the opposite.

To these internal growths, from Gratitude, Pity, and Resentment, must

be added the education by means of well-framed penal laws, which are
the lasting declaration of the moral indignation of mankind
To these internal growths, from Gratitude, Pity, and Resentment, must
be added the education by means of well-framed penal laws, which are
the lasting declaration of the moral indignation of mankind. These laws
may be obeyed as mere compulsory duties; but with the generous
sentiments concurring, men may rise above duty to _virtue_, and may
contract that excellence of nature whence acts of beneficence flow of
their own accord.


Wednesday, August 15, 2007

LIBERALITY [Greek: eleutheristaes], in the matter of property, is the

mean of Prodigality and Illiberality
LIBERALITY [Greek: eleutheristaes], in the matter of property, is the
mean of Prodigality and Illiberality. The right uses of money are
spending and giving. Liberality consists in giving willingly, from an
honourable motive, to proper persons, in proper quantities, and at
proper times; each individual case being measured by correct reason. If
such measure be not taken, or if the gift be not made willingly, it is
not liberality. The liberal man is often so free as to leave little to
himself. This virtue is one more frequent in the inheritors than in the
makers of fortunes. Liberality beyond one"s means is prodigality. The
liberal man will receive only from proper sources and in proper
quantities. Of the extremes, prodigality is more curable than
illiberality. The faults of prodigality are, that it must derive
supplies from improper sources; that it gives to the wrong objects, and
is usually accompanied with intemperance. Illiberality is incurable: it
is confirmed by age, and is more congenial to men generally than
prodigality. Some of the illiberal fall short in giving--those called
stingy, close-fisted, and so on; but do not desire what belongs to
other people. Others are excessive in receiving from all sources; such
are they that ply disreputable trades (I.).

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This decision, however, is not given without qualifications and

reservations; nor is there perfect unanimity regarding it
This decision, however, is not given without qualifications and
reservations; nor is there perfect unanimity regarding it.



1. Try making a list of your most important interests in order of their
strength. Suppose you had made such a list five years ago, where would
it have differed from the present list? Are you ever obliged to perform
any activities in which you have little or no interest, either directly
or indirectly? Can you name any activities in which you once had a
strong interest but which you now perform chiefly from force of habit
and without much interest?


"Since the metals have relationships with each other, the

molecules must mutually attract each other as soon as they come
into contact
"Since the metals have relationships with each other, the
molecules must mutually attract each other as soon as they come
into contact. One can not determine the force of this
attraction, but I believe it is sufficient to weaken their
cohesion so that they become inclined to go into new
combinations and to more easily yield to the influence of the
weakest solvents."

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


5. Can you think of garrulous persons among your acquaintance the
explanation of whose tiresomeness is that their association is of the
_complete_ instead of the _selective_ type? Watch for such illustrations
in conversation and in literature (e.g., Juliet"s nurse).



VI.--He gives his views on the alliance of Ethics with Religion. He
does not admit that we should refer to the Religious sanction on all
occasions. He assumes a benevolent and all-wise Governor of the world,
who will ultimately redress all inequalities, and remedy all
outstanding injustice. What this Being approves, however, is to be
inferred solely from the principles of benevolence. Our regard for him
is to be shown, not by frivolous observances, sacrifices, ceremonies,
and vain supplications, but by just and beneficent actions. The author
studiously ignores a revelation, and constructs for himself a Natural
Religion, grounded on a benevolent and just administration of the


The few scattered students of nature of that day picked up the

clue to her secrets exactly as it fell from the hands of the
Greeks a thousand years before
The few scattered students of nature of that day picked up the
clue to her secrets exactly as it fell from the hands of the
Greeks a thousand years before. The foundations of mathematics
were so well laid by them that our children learn their
geometry from a book written for the schools of Alexandria two
thousand years ago. Modern astronomy is the natural
continuation and development of the work of Hipparchus and of
Ptolemy; modern physics of that of Democritus and of
Archimedes; it was long before biological science outgrew the
knowledge bequeathed to us by Aristotle, by Theophrastus and by


Well, to get this honest but unpleasant business over, the objection

to the Suffragettes is not that they are Militant Suffragettes
Well, to get this honest but unpleasant business over, the objection
to the Suffragettes is not that they are Militant Suffragettes.
On the contrary, it is that they are not militant enough.
A revolution is a military thing; it has all the military virtues;
one of which is that it comes to an end. Two parties fight
with deadly weapons, but under certain rules of arbitrary honor;
the party that wins becomes the government and proceeds to govern.
The aim of civil war, like the aim of all war, is peace.
Now the Suffragettes cannot raise civil war in this
soldierly and decisive sense; first, because they are women;
and, secondly, because they are very few women. But they can
raise something else; which is altogether another pair of shoes.
They do not create revolution; what they do create is anarchy;
and the difference between these is not a question of violence,
but a question of fruitfulness and finality. Revolution of its
nature produces government; anarchy only produces more anarchy.
Men may have what opinions they please about the beheading
of King Charles or King Louis, but they cannot deny that Bradshaw
and Cromwell ruled, that Carnot and Napoleon governed.
Someone conquered; something occurred. You can only knock off
the King"s head once. But you can knock off the King"s hat any
number of times. Destruction is finite, obstruction is infinite:
so long as rebellion takes the form of mere disorder
(instead of an attempt to enforce a new order) there is no logical
end to it; it can feed on itself and renew itself forever.
If Napoleon had not wanted to be a Consul, but only wanted to be
a nuisance, he could, possibly, have prevented any government
arising successfully out of the Revolution. But such a proceeding
would not have deserved the dignified name of rebellion.

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Wherever a local club exists, it is always possible to compare the

knowledge of the different members; and the results of such comparison
may, when deemed desirable, be laid before the public at large
Wherever a local club exists, it is always possible to compare the
knowledge of the different members; and the results of such comparison
may, when deemed desirable, be laid before the public at large. It is
also in the power of such an organization thoroughly and at once to test
any given experiment. The attention of this section of the country has
been directed to the culture of the Chinese sugar-cane; and merchants,
economists, and statesmen, as well as the farmers themselves, are
interested in the speedy and satisfactory solution of so important an
industrial problem. Had the attention of a few local societies in
different parts of New England been directed to the culture, with
special reference to its feasibility and profitableness, a definite
result might have been reached the present year. The growth of flax,
both in the means of cultivation and in economy, is a subject of great
importance. Many other crops might also be named, concerning which
opposite, not to say vague, opinions prevail. The local societies may
make these trials through the agency of individual members better than
they can be made by county and state societies, and better than they can
usually be made upon model or experimental farms. It will often happen
upon experimental farms that the circumstances do not correspond to the
condition of things among the farmers. The combined practical wisdom of
such associations must be very great; and I have but to refer to the
published minutes of the proceedings of the Concord Club to justify this
statement in its broadest sense. The meetings of such a club have all
the characteristics of a school of the highest order. Each member is at
the same time a teacher and a pupil. The meeting is to the farmer what
the court-room is to the lawyer, the hospital to the physician, and the
legislative assembly to the statesman.

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Monday, August 13, 2007

Disinterested conduct was no part of their scheme, although the

ascetic discipline necessarily promotes abstinence from sins against
property, and from all the vices of public ambition
Disinterested conduct was no part of their scheme, although the
ascetic discipline necessarily promotes abstinence from sins against
property, and from all the vices of public ambition.


Cutaneous or skin sensation may arise from either _mechanical_

stimulation, such as pressure, a blow, or tickling, from _thermal_
stimulation from hot or cold objects, from _electrical_ stimulation, or
from the action of certain _chemicals_, such as acids and the like
Cutaneous or skin sensation may arise from either _mechanical_
stimulation, such as pressure, a blow, or tickling, from _thermal_
stimulation from hot or cold objects, from _electrical_ stimulation, or
from the action of certain _chemicals_, such as acids and the like.
Stimulated mechanically, the skin gives us but two sensation qualities,
_pressure_ and _pain_. Many of the qualities which we commonly ascribe
to the skin sensations are really a complex of cutaneous and muscular
sensations. _Contact_ is light pressure. _Hardness_ and _softness_
depend on the intensity of the pressure. _Roughness_ and _smoothness_
arise from interrupted and continuous pressure, respectively, and
require movement over the rough or smooth surface. _Touch_ depends on
pressure accompanied by the muscular sensations involved in the
movements connected with the act. Pain is clearly a different sensation
from pressure; but any of the cutaneous or muscular sensations may, by
excessive stimulation, be made to pass over into pain. All parts of the
skin are sensitive to pressure and pain; but certain parts, like the
finger tips, and the tip of the tongue, are more highly sensitive than
others. The skin varies also in its sensitivity to _heat_ and _cold_. If
we take a hot or a very cold pencil point and pass it rather lightly and
slowly over the skin, it is easy to discover certain spots from which a
sensation of warmth or of cold flashes out. In this way it is possible
to locate the end-organs of temperature very accurately.

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In many cases, let it be remembered, such action is not merely going

back to the old ideal, but is even going back to the old reality
In many cases, let it be remembered, such action is not merely going
back to the old ideal, but is even going back to the old reality.
It would be a great step forward for the gin shop to go back
to the inn. It is incontrovertibly true that to mediaevalize
the public schools would be to democratize the public schools.
Parliament did once really mean (as its name seems to imply)
a place where people were allowed to talk. It is only lately
that the general increase of efficiency, that is, of the Speaker,
has made it mostly a place where people are prevented from talking.
The poor do not go to the modern church, but they went to the ancient
church all right; and if the common man in the past had a grave respect
for property, it may conceivably have been because he sometimes had
some of his own. I therefore can claim that I have no vulgar itch
of innovation in anything I say about any of these institutions.
Certainly I have none in that particular one which I am now obliged
to pick out of the list; a type of institution to which I have
genuine and personal reasons for being friendly and grateful:
I mean the great Tudor foundations, the public schools
of England. They have been praised for a great many things, mostly,
I am sorry to say, praised by themselves and their children.
And yet for some reason no one has ever praised them the one
really convincing reason.

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Sunday, August 12, 2007

Stewart remarks finally on the influence of the Habits, on which he

notices the power of the mind to accommodate itself to circumstances,
and copies Paley"s observations on the _setting_ of the habits
Stewart remarks finally on the influence of the Habits, on which he
notices the power of the mind to accommodate itself to circumstances,
and copies Paley"s observations on the _setting_ of the habits.

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Saturday, August 11, 2007

But this new cloudy political cowardice has rendered useless

the old English compromise
But this new cloudy political cowardice has rendered useless
the old English compromise. People have begun to be
terrified of an improvement merely because it is complete.
They call it utopian and revolutionary that anyone should really
have his own way, or anything be really done, and done with.
Compromise used to mean that half a loaf was better than no bread.
Among modern statesmen it really seems to mean that half a loaf
is better than a whole loaf.

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[1] 'Die Insektenfauna der Tertiargebilde von Oeningen und von

Radoboj in Croatien' (Leipzig: Engelmann)
[1] 'Die Insektenfauna der Tertiargebilde von Oeningen und von
Radoboj in Croatien' (Leipzig: Engelmann).

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Friday, August 10, 2007

As it is about feminine thrift against masculine waste,

so it is about feminine dignity against masculine rowdiness
As it is about feminine thrift against masculine waste,
so it is about feminine dignity against masculine rowdiness.
The woman has a fixed and very well-founded idea that if
she does not insist on good manners nobody else will.
Babies are not always strong on the point of dignity,
and grown-up men are quite unpresentable. It is true that
there are many very polite men, but none that I ever heard
of who were not either fascinating women or obeying them.
But indeed the female ideal of dignity, like the female ideal
of thrift, lies deeper and may easily be misunderstood.
It rests ultimately on a strong idea of spiritual isolation;
the same that makes women religious. They do not like being
melted down; they dislike and avoid the mob That anonymous
quality we have remarked in the club conversation would be common
impertinence in a case of ladies. I remember an artistic
and eager lady asking me in her grand green drawing-room whether
I believed in comradeship between the sexes, and why not.
I was driven back on offering the obvious and sincere answer
'Because if I were to treat you for two minutes like a comrade
you would turn me out of the house.' The only certain rule on
this subject is always to deal with woman and never with women.
'Women' is a profligate word; I have used it repeatedly in
this chapter; but it always has a blackguard sound. It smells
of oriental cynicism and hedonism. Every woman is a captive queen.
But every crowd of women is only a harem broken loose.

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In a private conversation, Professor Guyot made a remark which seems to

have a public value
In a private conversation, Professor Guyot made a remark which seems to
have a public value. 'You give to your schools,' said he, 'credit that
is really due to the world. Looking at America with the eye of an
European, it appears to me that your world is doing more and your
schools are doing less, in the cause of education, than you are inclined
to believe.' For one, though I ought, as much as any, to stand for the
schools, I give a qualified assent to the truth of this observation.
There is much learning among us which we cannot trace directly to the
schools; but the schools have introduced and fostered a spirit which has
given to the world the power to make itself learned. It is much easier
to disseminate what is called the spirit of education, than it was to
create that spirit, and preserve it when there were few to do it homage.
For this we are indebted to the schools. Unobserved in the process of
change, but happy in its results, the business of education is not now
confined to professional teachers.

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One method open to us is what may be called the individualistic

One method open to us is what may be called the individualistic
test. Under this method we think of the individual as
individual or of his work as a concrete case of production. One
phase of this is the individual"s estimate of his own powers.
We may inquire what is the man"s appreciation of his own worth.
This is precarious because of two difficulties. There is an
egotistical element in individuals. It is inherent as a
historical agent of self-preservation. Most of us are like
primitive groups. The ethnologist expects to find every tribe
or horde of savages claiming to be THE PEOPLE. They ascribe
superior qualities to their group. In their names for their
group they call themselves the people, the men, and so on,
indicating their point of view.

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Fiscal | | | Tobacco, |
Year | Cigars | Cigarets | Chewing and | Snuff
| | | Smoking |
1910 | 8,213,356,504 | 7,884,748,515 | 436,608,898 | 31,969,111
1911 | 8,474,962,786 | 9,254,351,722 | 380,794,673 | 28,146,833
1912 | 8,350,119,103 | 11,239,536,803 | 393,785,146 | 30,079,482
1913 | 8,732,815,703 | 14,294,895,471 | 404,362,620 | 33,209,468
1914 | 8,707,625,230 | 16,427,086,016 | 412,505,213 | 32,766,741
Total | 42,478,879,326 | 59,100,618,527 | 2,028,056,550 | 156,171,635

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Count Tolstoi too must be listed with these preachers

Count Tolstoi too must be listed with these preachers. He,
making his own shoes and cutting his own and the peasants"
grain, lived it, showing how he thought the world"s work ought
to be done. What were factories or the culture of the west to
him in later years--Shakespeare or no Shakespeare? Destructive
ideals of life. Competition, money and land greed,
self-assertion--all things that are the anthitheses of
Slavophilism--he shunned; mocking the palsied heart and
poisoned ideals of the west, and indeed of the 'upper class'
section of his own land as no other Slavophile did. And
following its teaching, he journeyed through self-renunciation
to freedom and communal life, after repentance for his
wanderings, expiation and regeneration.

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But the essential error of Smith"s system is, that it assumes the very

moral feelings that it is meant to explain
But the essential error of Smith"s system is, that it assumes the very
moral feelings that it is meant to explain. If there were no antecedent
moral feelings, sympathy could not afford them; it is only a mirror to
reflect what is already in existence. The feelings that we sympathize
with, are themselves moral feelings already; if it were not so, the
reflexion of them from a thousand breasts would not give them a moral

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4. Study some group of pupils for their habits (1) of attention, (2) of
speech, (3) of standing, sitting, and walking, (4) of study. Report on
your observations and suggest methods of curing bad habits observed.

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Thursday, August 9, 2007

It is always said that great reformers or masters of events

can manage to bring about some specific and practical reforms,
but that they never fulfill their visions or satisfy their souls
It is always said that great reformers or masters of events
can manage to bring about some specific and practical reforms,
but that they never fulfill their visions or satisfy their souls.
I believe there is a real sense in which this apparent platitude
is quite untrue. By a strange inversion the political idealist
often does not get what he asks for, but does get what he wants.
The silent pressure of his ideal lasts much longer and reshapes the world
much more than the actualities by which he attempted to suggest it.
What perishes is the letter, which he thought so practical.
What endures is the spirit, which he felt to be unattainable
and even unutterable. It is exactly his schemes that are
not fulfilled; it is exactly his vision that is fulfilled.
Thus the ten or twelve paper constitutions of the French Revolution,
which seemed so business-like to the framers of them, seem to
us to have flown away on the wind as the wildest fancies.
What has not flown away, what is a fixed fact in Europe,
is the ideal and vision. The Republic, the idea of a land
full of mere citizens all with some minimum of manners
and minimum of wealth, the vision of the eighteenth century,
the reality of the twentieth. So I think it will generally
be with the creator of social things, desirable or undesirable.
All his schemes will fail, all his tools break in his hands.
His compromises will collapse, his concessions will be useless.
He must brace himself to bear his fate; he shall have nothing
but his heart"s desire.

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THE INFLUENCE OF PERSONALITY.--More powerful than the influence of
material environment, however, is that of other personalities upon
us--the touch of life upon life. A living personality contains a power
which grips hold of us, electrifies us, inspires us, and compels us to
new endeavor, or else degrades and debases us. None has failed to feel
at some time this life-touch, and to bless or curse the day when its
influence came upon him. Either consciously or unconsciously such a
personality becomes our ideal and model; we idolize it, idealize it, and
imitate it, until it becomes a part of us. Not only do we find these
great personalities living in the flesh, but we find them also in books,
from whose pages they speak to us, and to whose influence we respond.

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Wednesday, August 8, 2007

"attempt to account for the constitution and mechanical origin

of the universe on Newtonian principles only wanted the
knowledge of thermodynamics, which the subsequent experiments
of Davy, Rumford and Joule supplied, to lead to thoroughly
definite explanation of all that is known regarding the present
actions and temperatures of the Earth and of the Sun and all
other heavenly bodies
"attempt to account for the constitution and mechanical origin
of the universe on Newtonian principles only wanted the
knowledge of thermodynamics, which the subsequent experiments
of Davy, Rumford and Joule supplied, to lead to thoroughly
definite explanation of all that is known regarding the present
actions and temperatures of the Earth and of the Sun and all
other heavenly bodies."

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4. _Leg-lifting._--Assume the standing position, but with hands resting
on the hips. Raise the right thigh until at right angles with the body,
leg at right angles with thigh, thrust the leg straightforward to a
horizontal position, then sweep the leg back to standing posture. Repeat
with the left leg. (Sargent.)

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This god remains in ambush in some spiritual mangrove bushes

and thrusts a reed within the ground upon the path of the ghost
as a warning not to pass the spot
This god remains in ambush in some spiritual mangrove bushes
and thrusts a reed within the ground upon the path of the ghost
as a warning not to pass the spot. Should the ghost be brave he
raises his club in defiance, whereupon Samuyalo appears, club
in hand, and gives battle. If killed in this combat, the ghost
is cooked and eaten by the soul killer, and if wounded he must
wander forever among the mountains, but if the ghost be
victorious over the god he may pass on to be questioned by
Ndengei, who may consign him either to Mburotu, the highest
heaven, or drop him over a precipice into a somewhat inferior
but still tolerable abode, Murimuria. This Ndengei does in
accordance with the caprice of the moment and without reference
either to the virtues or the faults of the deceased. Thus of
those who die only a few can enter the higher heaven for the
Great Woman and the Soul destroyer overcome the greater number
of those who dare to face them. As for the victims of cannibal
feasts, their souls are devoured by the gods when their bodies
are eaten by man.

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The boy who goes whistling to the fields, or hunts, or fishes,

or swims, is unconsciously reaching out toward later life and
is preparing for serious and bigger things
The boy who goes whistling to the fields, or hunts, or fishes,
or swims, is unconsciously reaching out toward later life and
is preparing for serious and bigger things.

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A wood or grate fire is an excellent ventilator

A wood or grate fire is an excellent ventilator. A heating-system which
introduces warmed new air is better than one acting by direct radiation,
provided the furnace is well constructed and gas-proof.

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Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Another result of the present methods of educating girls, and one

different from any of the preceding, remains to be noticed
Another result of the present methods of educating girls, and one
different from any of the preceding, remains to be noticed. Schools
and colleges, as we have seen, require girls to work their brains with
full force and sustained power, at the time when their organization
periodically requires a portion of their force for the performance of
a periodical function, and a portion of their power for the building
up of a peculiar, complicated, and important mechanism,--the engine
within an engine. They are required to do two things equally well at
the same time. They are urged to meditate a lesson and drive a machine
simultaneously, and to do them both with all their force. Their
organizations are expected to make good sound brains and nerves by
working over the humanities, the sciences, and the arts, and, at the
same time, to make good sound reproductive apparatuses, not only
without any especial attention to the latter, but while all available
force is withdrawn from the latter and sent to the former. It is not
materialism to say, that, as the brain is, so will thought be. Without
discussing the French physiologist"s dictum, that the brain secretes
thought as the liver does bile, we may be sure, that without brain
there will be no thought. The quality of the latter depends on the
quality of the former. The metamorphoses of brain manifest, measure,
limit, enrich, and color thought. Brain tissue, including both
quantity and quality, correlates mental power. The brain is
manufactured from the blood; its quantity and quality are determined
by the quantity and quality of its blood supply. Blood is made from
food; but it may be lost by careless hemorrhage, or poisoned by
deficient elimination. When frequently and largely lost or poisoned,
as I have too frequent occasion to know it often is, it becomes
impoverished,--anemic. Then the brain suffers, and mental power is
lost. The steps are few and direct, from frequent loss of blood,
impoverished blood, and abnormal brain and nerve metamorphosis, to
loss of mental force and nerve disease. Ignorance or carelessness
leads to anemic blood, and that to an anemic mind. As the blood, so
the brain; as the brain, so the mind.

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"It is impressive to think how few men we should have to remove

from the earth during the past three centuries to have stopped
the advance of our civilization
"It is impressive to think how few men we should have to remove
from the earth during the past three centuries to have stopped
the advance of our civilization. In the seventeenth century
there would only have been Galileo, Newton and a few other
contemporaries, in the eighteenth they could almost have been
counted on the fingers, and they have not crowded the

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The remedy for this diseased type of will is much easier to prescribe

than to apply
The remedy for this diseased type of will is much easier to prescribe
than to apply. It is simply to refuse to attend to the contrary thoughts
which are blocking action, and to cultivate and encourage those which
lead to action of the right kind. It is seeking to vitalize our good
impulses and render them effective by acting on them whenever
opportunity offers. Nothing can be accomplished by moodily dwelling on
the disgrace of harboring the obstructing ideas. Thus brooding over them
only encourages them. What we need is to get entirely away from the line
of thought in which we have met our obstruction, and approach the matter
from a different direction. The child who is in a fit of sulks does not
so much need a lecture on the disagreeable habit he is forming as to
have his thoughts led into lines not connected with the grievance which
is causing him the trouble. The stubborn child does not need to have his
will 'broken,' but rather to have it strengthened. He may be compelled
to do what he does not want to do; but if this is accomplished through
physical force instead of by leading to thoughts connected with the
performance of the act, it may be doubted whether the will has in any
degree been strengthened. Indeed it may rather be depended upon that the
will has been weakened; for an opportunity for self-control, through
which alone the will develops, has been lost. The ultimate remedy for
rebellion often lies in greater freedom at the proper time. This does
not mean that the child should not obey rightful authority promptly and
explicitly, but that just as little external authority as possible
should intervene to take from the child the opportunity for

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Monday, August 6, 2007

[7] Now and again, however, we have the sad spectacle of some

one really well educated but apparently either ignorant of
logic or desirous of wilfully misrepresenting facts
[7] Now and again, however, we have the sad spectacle of some
one really well educated but apparently either ignorant of
logic or desirous of wilfully misrepresenting facts. The Hon.
Stephen Coleridge has an article in the June (1914) number of
the Contemporary Review which is, to say the least of it,
highly immoral in ethics and statistics.

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Have we any difficulty to comprehend the force of humanity or

benevolence? Or to conceive that the very aspect of happiness, joy,
prosperity, gives pleasure; while pain, suffering, sorrow, communicate
uneasiness? Here we have an unmistakeable, powerful, universal
sentiment of human nature to build upon
Have we any difficulty to comprehend the force of humanity or
benevolence? Or to conceive that the very aspect of happiness, joy,
prosperity, gives pleasure; while pain, suffering, sorrow, communicate
uneasiness? Here we have an unmistakeable, powerful, universal
sentiment of human nature to build upon.

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The primary difficulty of military life lies in the withdrawal of large

numbers of men from normal family life, and hence from the domestic
restraints and social checks which are operative upon the mass of human
The primary difficulty of military life lies in the withdrawal of large
numbers of men from normal family life, and hence from the domestic
restraints and social checks which are operative upon the mass of human
beings. The great peace propagandas have emphasized the unjustifiable
expense involved in the maintenance of the standing armies of Europe,
the social waste in the withdrawal of thousands of young men from
industrial, commercial and professional pursuits into the barren
negative life of the barracks. They might go further and lay stress upon
the loss of moral sensibility, the destruction of romantic love, the
perversion of the longing for wife and child. The very stability and
refinement of the social order depend upon the preservation of these
basic emotions.

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Sunday, August 5, 2007

Nor does it consist in greatness, rank, or station

Nor does it consist in greatness, rank, or station. The reason here is
derived, as usual, from the doctrine of Relativity or Comparison,
pushed beyond all just limits. The illustration of the dependence of
the pleasure of superiority on comparison is in Paley"s happiest style.

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Saturday, August 4, 2007

Chapter V

Chapter V. is entitled "Of the Reference of Morality to the Divine
Nature; the Rectitude of our Faculties; and the Grounds of Belief." The
author means to reply to the objection that his system, in setting up a
criterion independent of God, is derogatory to the Divine nature. He
urges that there must be attributes of the Deity, independent of his
will; as his Existence, Immensity, Power, Wisdom; that Mind supposes
Truth apart from itself; that without moral distinctions there could be
no Moral Attributes in the Deity. Certain things are inherent in his
Nature, and not dependent on his will. There is a limit to the universe
itself; two infinities of space or of duration are not possible. The
necessary goodness of the divine nature is a part of necessary truth.
Thus, morality, although not asserted to depend on the will of the
Deity, is still resolvable into his nature. In all this, Price avowedly
follows Cudworth.

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Emotion is always dynamic, and our feelings constitute our strongest

motives to action and achievement
Emotion is always dynamic, and our feelings constitute our strongest
motives to action and achievement.

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The decay of taverns, which is but a part of the general decay

of democracy, has undoubtedly weakened this masculine spirit
of equality
The decay of taverns, which is but a part of the general decay
of democracy, has undoubtedly weakened this masculine spirit
of equality. I remember that a roomful of Socialists literally
laughed when I told them that there were no two nobler words
in all poetry than Public House. They thought it was a joke.
Why they should think it a joke, since they want to make all houses
public houses, I cannot imagine. But if anyone wishes to see
the real rowdy egalitarianism which is necessary (to males, at least)
he can find it as well as anywhere in the great old tavern disputes
which come down to us in such books as Boswell"s Johnson. It is
worth while to mention that one name especially because the modern
world in its morbidity has done it a strange injustice.
The demeanor of Johnson, it is said, was 'harsh and despotic.'
It was occasionally harsh, but it was never despotic.
Johnson was not in the least a despot; Johnson was a demagogue,
he shouted against a shouting crowd. The very fact that he wrangled
with other people is proof that other people were allowed
to wrangle with him. His very brutality was based on the idea
of an equal scrimmage, like that of football. It is strictly true
that he bawled and banged the table because he was a modest man.
He was honestly afraid of being overwhelmed or even overlooked.
Addison had exquisite manners and was the king of his company;
he was polite to everybody; but superior to everybody;
therefore he has been handed down forever in the immortal
insult of Pope--

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Friday, August 3, 2007

Aristotle admits that his doctrine of Virtue being a mean, cannot have

an application quite universal; because there are some acts that in
their very name connote badness, which are wrong therefore, not from
excess or defect, but in themselves (VI
Aristotle admits that his doctrine of Virtue being a mean, cannot have
an application quite universal; because there are some acts that in
their very name connote badness, which are wrong therefore, not from
excess or defect, but in themselves (VI.). He next proceeds to resolve
his general doctrine into particulars; enumerating the different
virtues stated, each as a mean, between two extremes--Courage,
Temperance, Liberality, Magnanimity, Magnificence, Meekness,
Amiability or Friendliness, Truthfulness, Justice (VII.). They are
described in detail in the two following books. In chap. VIII., he
qualifies his doctrine of Mean and Extremes, by the remark that one
Extreme may be much farther removed from the Mean than the other.
Cowardice and Rashness are the extremes of Courage, but Cowardice is
farthest removed from the Mean.

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For extreme overweight, diet should be prescribed accurately by the
physician to suit the needs of each individual case. Certain general
principles may be stated, however, as applicable to the average case.

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Book First discusses the Chief Good, or the Highest End of all human

Book First discusses the Chief Good, or the Highest End of all human
endeavours. Every exercise of the human powers aims at some good; all
the arts of life have their several ends--medicine, ship-building,
generalship. But the ends of these special arts are all subordinate to
some higher end; which end is the chief good, and the subject of the
highest art of all, the Political; for as Politics aims at the welfare
of the state, or aggregate of individuals, it is identical with and
comprehends the welfare of the individual (Chaps. I., II.).

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Thursday, August 2, 2007

On the teachers, then, is the chief responsibility, whether the young

women who go out from this institution are well qualified for their
profession or not
On the teachers, then, is the chief responsibility, whether the young
women who go out from this institution are well qualified for their
profession or not. The study of technicalities is drudgery of the worst
sort to the mere pupil; but the scholar looks upon it as a preparation
for a wide and noble exercise of his intellectual powers--as a key to
unlock the mysteries of learning. It is the business of the teacher to
lighten the labors of to-day by bright visions of to-morrow.

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1. The place of imagination in mental economy: Practical nature of
imagination--Imagination in the interpretation of history, literature,
and art--Imagination and science--Everyday uses of imagination--The
building of ideals and plans--Imagination and conduct--Imagination and
thinking. 2. The material used by imagination: Images the stuff of
imagination--The two factors in imagination--Imagination limited by
stock of images--Limited also by our constructive ability--The need of a
purpose. 3. Types of imagination: Reproductive imagination--Creative
imagination. 4. Training the imagination: Gathering of material for
imagination--We must not fail to build--We should carry our ideals into
action. 5. Problems for observation and introspection . . . . . . . . 127

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It is still a country of surprises, as when petroleum fields,

probably 1,000 square miles in area, were discovered only about
four years ago along the Vailala River, the natives having
concealed their knowledge of the bubbling gas springs through
fear of offending the evil spirits of the place
It is still a country of surprises, as when petroleum fields,
probably 1,000 square miles in area, were discovered only about
four years ago along the Vailala River, the natives having
concealed their knowledge of the bubbling gas springs through
fear of offending the evil spirits of the place. It is evident
that although the country has been merely glanced over, there
are both agricultural and mineral resources of a promising
nature in Papua. It remains but for modern medicine to
over-come the infections of the tropics for the region to rise
into prominence as one of the self-supporting colonies of the
British empire.

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