Wednesday, September 12, 2007


I.--The Ethical Standard with him is the conjoined reference to the
Will of the Deity, and to Utility, or Human Happiness. He is unable to
construct a scheme applicable to mankind generally, until they are
first converted to a belief in Revelation.

The writer was the third member of the Army Board

The writer was the third member of the Army Board. Born in Cuba
during the ten years" war, while still a child, my father
having been killed in battle against the Spanish, I was taken
to the United States and educated in the public schools and in
the College of the City of New York, graduating from the
College of Physicians and Surgeons in 1892. At the breaking out
of the war I was assistant bacteriologist in the New York
Health Department. The subject of yellow fever research was my
chief object from the outset, and, at the time the board was
appointed, I was in charge of the laboratory of the Division of
Cuba, in Havana.

This letter confirms the statement of Dr

This letter confirms the statement of Dr. Hagen, and shows that the
educational and social regimen of a German school-girl is widely
different from that of her American sister. Perhaps, as is intimated
above, the German way, which is probably the European way also, may
err on the side of too great confinement and caution; and that a
medium between that and the recklessness of the American way would
yield a better result than either one of them.