Friday, September 21, 2007

How do you rank in mental ability, and how effective are your mind"s

grasp and power? The answer that must be given to these questions will
depend not more on your native endowment than on your skill in using
How do you rank in mental ability, and how effective are your mind"s
grasp and power? The answer that must be given to these questions will
depend not more on your native endowment than on your skill in using

The author"s handling of Ethics does not extend beyond the first and

second topics--the STANDARD and the FACULTY
The author"s handling of Ethics does not extend beyond the first and
second topics--the STANDARD and the FACULTY. His Standard is Utility.
The Faculty is based on our Pleasures and Pains, with which there are
multiplied associations. Disinterested Sentiment is a real fact, but
has its origin in our own proper pleasures and pains.


6. The theory called, Utility, and Utilitarianism, supposes that the
well-being or happiness of mankind is the sole end, and ultimate
standard of morality. The agent takes account both of his own
happiness and of the happiness of others, subordinating, on proper
occasions, the first to the second. This theory is definite in its
opposition to all the others, but admits of considerable latitude of
view within itself. Stoicism and Epicureanism, are both included in
its compass.