Friday, August 10, 2007

As it is about feminine thrift against masculine waste,

so it is about feminine dignity against masculine rowdiness
As it is about feminine thrift against masculine waste,
so it is about feminine dignity against masculine rowdiness.
The woman has a fixed and very well-founded idea that if
she does not insist on good manners nobody else will.
Babies are not always strong on the point of dignity,
and grown-up men are quite unpresentable. It is true that
there are many very polite men, but none that I ever heard
of who were not either fascinating women or obeying them.
But indeed the female ideal of dignity, like the female ideal
of thrift, lies deeper and may easily be misunderstood.
It rests ultimately on a strong idea of spiritual isolation;
the same that makes women religious. They do not like being
melted down; they dislike and avoid the mob That anonymous
quality we have remarked in the club conversation would be common
impertinence in a case of ladies. I remember an artistic
and eager lady asking me in her grand green drawing-room whether
I believed in comradeship between the sexes, and why not.
I was driven back on offering the obvious and sincere answer
'Because if I were to treat you for two minutes like a comrade
you would turn me out of the house.' The only certain rule on
this subject is always to deal with woman and never with women.
'Women' is a profligate word; I have used it repeatedly in
this chapter; but it always has a blackguard sound. It smells
of oriental cynicism and hedonism. Every woman is a captive queen.
But every crowd of women is only a harem broken loose.

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In a private conversation, Professor Guyot made a remark which seems to

have a public value
In a private conversation, Professor Guyot made a remark which seems to
have a public value. 'You give to your schools,' said he, 'credit that
is really due to the world. Looking at America with the eye of an
European, it appears to me that your world is doing more and your
schools are doing less, in the cause of education, than you are inclined
to believe.' For one, though I ought, as much as any, to stand for the
schools, I give a qualified assent to the truth of this observation.
There is much learning among us which we cannot trace directly to the
schools; but the schools have introduced and fostered a spirit which has
given to the world the power to make itself learned. It is much easier
to disseminate what is called the spirit of education, than it was to
create that spirit, and preserve it when there were few to do it homage.
For this we are indebted to the schools. Unobserved in the process of
change, but happy in its results, the business of education is not now
confined to professional teachers.

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One method open to us is what may be called the individualistic

One method open to us is what may be called the individualistic
test. Under this method we think of the individual as
individual or of his work as a concrete case of production. One
phase of this is the individual"s estimate of his own powers.
We may inquire what is the man"s appreciation of his own worth.
This is precarious because of two difficulties. There is an
egotistical element in individuals. It is inherent as a
historical agent of self-preservation. Most of us are like
primitive groups. The ethnologist expects to find every tribe
or horde of savages claiming to be THE PEOPLE. They ascribe
superior qualities to their group. In their names for their
group they call themselves the people, the men, and so on,
indicating their point of view.

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Fiscal | | | Tobacco, |
Year | Cigars | Cigarets | Chewing and | Snuff
| | | Smoking |
1910 | 8,213,356,504 | 7,884,748,515 | 436,608,898 | 31,969,111
1911 | 8,474,962,786 | 9,254,351,722 | 380,794,673 | 28,146,833
1912 | 8,350,119,103 | 11,239,536,803 | 393,785,146 | 30,079,482
1913 | 8,732,815,703 | 14,294,895,471 | 404,362,620 | 33,209,468
1914 | 8,707,625,230 | 16,427,086,016 | 412,505,213 | 32,766,741
Total | 42,478,879,326 | 59,100,618,527 | 2,028,056,550 | 156,171,635

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Count Tolstoi too must be listed with these preachers

Count Tolstoi too must be listed with these preachers. He,
making his own shoes and cutting his own and the peasants"
grain, lived it, showing how he thought the world"s work ought
to be done. What were factories or the culture of the west to
him in later years--Shakespeare or no Shakespeare? Destructive
ideals of life. Competition, money and land greed,
self-assertion--all things that are the anthitheses of
Slavophilism--he shunned; mocking the palsied heart and
poisoned ideals of the west, and indeed of the 'upper class'
section of his own land as no other Slavophile did. And
following its teaching, he journeyed through self-renunciation
to freedom and communal life, after repentance for his
wanderings, expiation and regeneration.

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But the essential error of Smith"s system is, that it assumes the very

moral feelings that it is meant to explain
But the essential error of Smith"s system is, that it assumes the very
moral feelings that it is meant to explain. If there were no antecedent
moral feelings, sympathy could not afford them; it is only a mirror to
reflect what is already in existence. The feelings that we sympathize
with, are themselves moral feelings already; if it were not so, the
reflexion of them from a thousand breasts would not give them a moral

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4. Study some group of pupils for their habits (1) of attention, (2) of
speech, (3) of standing, sitting, and walking, (4) of study. Report on
your observations and suggest methods of curing bad habits observed.

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