Saturday, September 8, 2007

It is the universal testimony of those who have slept out-of-doors that

the best ventilated sleeping-room is far inferior in healthfulness to an
outdoor sleeping-porch, open tent, or window tent (large enough to
include the whole bed)
It is the universal testimony of those who have slept out-of-doors that
the best ventilated sleeping-room is far inferior in healthfulness to an
outdoor sleeping-porch, open tent, or window tent (large enough to
include the whole bed). For generations, outdoor sleeping has
occasionally been used as a health measure in certain favorable climates
and seasons. But only in the last two decades has it been used in
ordinary climates and all the year round. Dr. Millet, a Brockton
physician, began some years ago to prescribe outdoor sleeping for some
shoe-factory workmen who were suffering from tuberculosis. As a
consequence, in spite of their insanitary working-places (where they
still continued to work while being treated for tuberculosis), they
often conquered the disease in a few months. It was largely this
experience which led to the general adoption, irrespective of climate,
of outdoor sleeping for the treatment of tuberculosis. The practise has
since been introduced for nervous troubles and for other diseases,
including pneumonia. Latterly the value of outdoor sleeping for _well_
persons of all classes, infants and children as well as adults, has come
to be widely recognized.

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