Monday, September 24, 2007

Bundles of sensory fibers constituting a sensory nerve root enter the

spinal cord on the posterior side through holes in the vertebrae
Bundles of sensory fibers constituting a sensory nerve root enter the
spinal cord on the posterior side through holes in the vertebrae. Similar
bundles of motor fibers in the form of a motor nerve root emerge from
the cord at the same level. Soon after their emergence from the cord,
these two nerves are wrapped together in the same sheath and proceed in
this way to the periphery of the body, where the sensory nerve usually
ends in a specialized _end-organ_ fitted to respond to some certain
stimulus from the outside world. The motor nerve ends in minute
filaments in the muscular organ which it governs. Both sensory and motor
nerves connect with fibers of like kind in the cord and these in turn
with the cortex, thus giving every part of the periphery direct
connection with the cortex.