Friday, July 27, 2007

"attempt to account for the constitution and mechanical origin

of the universe on Newtonian principles only wanted the
knowledge of thermodynamics, which the subsequent experiments
of Davy, Rumford and Joule supplied, to lead to thoroughly
definite explanation of all that is known regarding the present
actions and temperatures of the Earth and of the Sun and all
other heavenly bodies
"attempt to account for the constitution and mechanical origin
of the universe on Newtonian principles only wanted the
knowledge of thermodynamics, which the subsequent experiments
of Davy, Rumford and Joule supplied, to lead to thoroughly
definite explanation of all that is known regarding the present
actions and temperatures of the Earth and of the Sun and all
other heavenly bodies."

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Thursday, July 26, 2007

The appearance of blue eyes in the second generation is the long

observed but formerly mysterious 'atavism,' or reversion to the
The appearance of blue eyes in the second generation is the long
observed but formerly mysterious 'atavism,' or reversion to the


Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Assuming that the principal work of the primary schools, after moral and

physical culture, should be to give instruction in reading, spelling,
writing, music and drawing, it is just to say that special attention
should be bestowed upon the two branches first named
Assuming that the principal work of the primary schools, after moral and
physical culture, should be to give instruction in reading, spelling,
writing, music and drawing, it is just to say that special attention
should be bestowed upon the two branches first named. So imperfectly is
reading sometimes taught, that pupils are found in advanced classes, and
in advanced schools, whose progress in other branches is retarded by
their inability to read the language fluently and intelligently. When
children are well educated in reading, they find profitable employment;
and they are, of course, by the knowledge of language acquired, able to
comprehend, with greater facility, every study to which they are called.

title=site map

And, gentlemen, if you will allow a festive day to be marred by a single

word of criticism, I feel constrained to say, that a great obstacle to
the increased usefulness, further elevation, and higher respectability,
of agriculture, is in the body of farmers themselves
And, gentlemen, if you will allow a festive day to be marred by a single
word of criticism, I feel constrained to say, that a great obstacle to
the increased usefulness, further elevation, and higher respectability,
of agriculture, is in the body of farmers themselves. And I assume this
to be so upon the supposition that agriculture is not a cherished
pursuit in many farmers" homes; that the head of the family often
regards his life of labor upon the land as a necessity from which he
would willingly escape; that he esteems other pursuits as at once less
laborious, more profitable, and more honorable, than his own; that
children, both sons and daughters, under the influence of parents, both
father and mother, receive an education at home, which neither school,
college, nor newspaper, can counteract, that leads them to abandon the
land for the store, the shop, the warehouse, the professions, or the

title=View all posts filed under how does computer fraud occur

If the spiral nebulae have been formed in accordance with

Chamberlin and Moulton"s hypothesis, the secondary nuclei in
them must revolve in a great variety of elliptic orbits
If the spiral nebulae have been formed in accordance with
Chamberlin and Moulton"s hypothesis, the secondary nuclei in
them must revolve in a great variety of elliptic orbits. The
orbits would intersect, and in the course of long ages the
separate masses would collide and combine and the number of
separate masses would constantly grow smaller. Moulton has
shown that IN GENERAL the combining of two masses whose orbits
intersect causes the combined mass to move in an orbit more
nearly circular than the average orbit of the separate masses,
and in general in orbit planes more nearly coincident with the
general plane of the system. Accordingly, the major planets
should move in orbits more nearly circular and more nearly in
the plane of the system than do the asteroids; and so they do.
If the asteroids should combine to form one planet the orbit of
this planet should be much less eccentric than the average of
all the present asteroid eccentricities, and the deviation of
its orbit plane should be less than the average deviation of
the present planes. We can not doubt that this would be the
case. Mercury and Mars, the smallest planets, should have,
according to this principle, the largest eccentricities and
orbital inclinations of any of the major planets. This is true
of the eccentricities, but Mars"s orbit plane, contrarily, has
a small inclination. Venus and the Earth, next in size, should
have the next largest inclinations and eccentricities, but they
do not; Venus"s eccentricity is the smallest of all. The
Earth"s orbital inclination and eccentricity are both small.
Jupiter and Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, should have the
smallest orbital inclinations; their average inclination is
about the same as for Venus and the Earth. They should likewise
have the smallest eccentricities. Neptune, the smallest of the
four, has an orbit nearly circular; Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus
have eccentricities more than 4 times those of Venus and the
Earth. Considering the four large planets as one group and the
four small planets as another group, we find that the
inclinations of the orbits of the two groups, per unit mass,
are about equal; but the average eccentricity of the orbits of
the large planets, per unit mass, is 21 times that of the
orbits of the small planets.[1] The evidence, except as to the
asteroids and Mercury, is not favorable to the planetesimal
hypothesis, unless we make special assumptions as to the
distribution of materials in the spiral nebulae.


Tuesday, July 24, 2007

It may be said, I think, without disparagement to the many distinguished

and disinterested men who have labored for the advancement of
agriculture, that the operations of the government and of the state and
county societies have no plan or system by which, as a whole, they are
It may be said, I think, without disparagement to the many distinguished
and disinterested men who have labored for the advancement of
agriculture, that the operations of the government and of the state and
county societies have no plan or system by which, as a whole, they are
guided. The county societies have been and are the chief means of
influence and progress; but they have no power which can be
systematically applied; their movements are variable, and their annual
exhibitions do not always indicate the condition of agriculture in the
districts represented. They have become, to a certain extent, localized
in the vicinity of the towns where the fairs are held; and yet they do
not possess the vigor which institutions positively local would enjoy.

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Many men fail in life for lack of staying power, for lack of

that kind of endurance that is furnished by having power in
Many men fail in life for lack of staying power, for lack of
that kind of endurance that is furnished by having power in

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Monday, July 23, 2007

In the meantime a chemical explanation of the phenomena

observed by Galvani had been proposed in 1792 by Fabroni, a
physicist of Florence
In the meantime a chemical explanation of the phenomena
observed by Galvani had been proposed in 1792 by Fabroni, a
physicist of Florence. After discussing the Sulzer phenomenon
already mentioned in this paper, Fabroni argues that the
peculiar taste caused by bringing the two metals into contact
while on the tongue is due to a chemical, rather than to an
electrical, action. He then discusses the different chemical
behavior of metals when taken singly and when placed in contact
with other metals. He says:[2]

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Similar results have been found in other investigations

Similar results have been found in other investigations. It is probable
that the inferiority of meat-eaters in staying power is due primarily to
high protein, not to meat _per se_.


Sunday, July 22, 2007

The founder of comparative psychology, J

The founder of comparative psychology, J. H. Fabre, that
'incomparable observer' as Darwin characterized him, is now
over ninety years of age, and until very recently was actually
suffering from poverty. All his life his work was stunted and
crippled by poverty, and countless researches which he was the
one human being qualified by genius and experience to
undertake, remain to this day unperformed because he never
could command the meager necessary equipment of apparatus.

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Friday, July 20, 2007

The restrictive and prohibitive measures of the French and Russian

governments, the well known opposition of the Kaiser to alcohol and the
warnings uttered by Lord Kitchener and leading British statesmen, are
sufficient evidence that the condemnation of alcohol represents the
deliberate judgment of the world"s strong men
The restrictive and prohibitive measures of the French and Russian
governments, the well known opposition of the Kaiser to alcohol and the
warnings uttered by Lord Kitchener and leading British statesmen, are
sufficient evidence that the condemnation of alcohol represents the
deliberate judgment of the world"s strong men.


Thursday, July 19, 2007

Reid continues the controversy, with reference to Justice, in Chapter

Reid continues the controversy, with reference to Justice, in Chapter
VI., on the Nature and Obligation of a Contract; and in Chapter VII.
maintains, in opposition to Hume, that Moral approbation implies a
Judgment of the intellect, and is not a mere feeling, as Hume seems to
think. He allows the propriety of the phrase "Moral Sentiment," because
"Sentiment" in English means judgment accompanied with feeling.
[Hamilton dissents, and thinks that sentiment means the higher
feelings.] He says, if a moral judgment be no real judgment, but only a
feeling, morals have no foundation but the arbitrary structure of the
mind; there are no immutable moral distinctions; and no evidence for
the moral character of the Deity.

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Wednesday, July 18, 2007

There are three books; the first treating of Human Nature and

Happiness; the second, of Laws of Nature and Duties, previous to Civil
Government and other adventitious states; the third, of Civil Polity
There are three books; the first treating of Human Nature and
Happiness; the second, of Laws of Nature and Duties, previous to Civil
Government and other adventitious states; the third, of Civil Polity.

title=site map

'The intention of the state government, and of the benevolent

individuals who have contributed to the establishment of this
institution, is to secure a _home_ and a _school_ for such girls as may
be presented to the magistrates of the state, appointed for that
purpose, as vagrants, perversely obstinate, deprived of the control and
culture of their natural guardians, or guilty of petty offences, and
exposed to a life of crime and wretchedness
'The intention of the state government, and of the benevolent
individuals who have contributed to the establishment of this
institution, is to secure a _home_ and a _school_ for such girls as may
be presented to the magistrates of the state, appointed for that
purpose, as vagrants, perversely obstinate, deprived of the control and
culture of their natural guardians, or guilty of petty offences, and
exposed to a life of crime and wretchedness.

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Tuesday, July 17, 2007

He adduces a number of illustrations to show that reason alone is

insufficient to make a moral sentiment
He adduces a number of illustrations to show that reason alone is
insufficient to make a moral sentiment. He bids us examine Ingratitude,
for instance; good offices bestowed on one side, ill-will on the other.
Reason might say, whether a certain action, say the gift of money, or
an act of patronage, was for the good of the party receiving it, and
whether the circumstances of the gift indicated a good intention on the
part of the giver; it might also say, whether the actions of the person
obliged were intentionally or consciously hurtful or wanting in esteem
to the person obliging. But when all this is made out by reason, there
remains the sentiment of abhorrence, whose foundations must be in the
emotional part of our nature, in our delight in manifested goodness,
and our abhorrence of the opposite.


When, therefore, it is said that the tradition against Female Suffrage

keeps women out of activity, social influence and citizenship,
let us a little more soberly and strictly ask ourselves what it
actually does keep her out of
When, therefore, it is said that the tradition against Female Suffrage
keeps women out of activity, social influence and citizenship,
let us a little more soberly and strictly ask ourselves what it
actually does keep her out of. It does definitely keep her out
of the collective act of coercion; the act of punishment by a mob.
The human tradition does say that, if twenty men hang a man from
a tree or lamp-post, they shall be twenty men and not women.
Now I do not think any reasonable Suffragist will deny
that exclusion from this function, to say the least of it,
might be maintained to be a protection as well as a veto.
No candid person will wholly dismiss the proposition that the idea
of having a Lord Chancellor but not a Lady Chancellor may at least
be connected with the idea of having a headsman but not a headswoman,
a hangman but not a hangwoman. Nor will it be adequate to answer
(as is so often answered to this contention) that in modern
civilization women would not really be required to capture,
to sentence, or to slay; that all this is done indirectly,
that specialists kill our criminals as they kill our cattle.
To urge this is not to urge the reality of the vote, but to urge
its unreality. Democracy was meant to be a more direct way
of ruling, not a more indirect way; and if we do not feel that we
are all jailers, so much the worse for us, and for the prisoners.
If it is really an unwomanly thing to lock up a robber
or a tyrant, it ought to be no softening of the situation
that the woman does not feel as if she were doing the thing
that she certainly is doing. It is bad enough that men can
only associate on paper who could once associate in the street;
it is bad enough that men have made a vote very much of a fiction.
It is much worse that a great class should claim the vote be cause
it is a fiction, who would be sickened by it if it were a fact.
If votes for women do not mean mobs for women they do not mean
what they were meant to mean. A woman can make a cross on a
paper as well as a man; a child could do it as well as a woman;
and a chimpanzee after a few lessons could do it as well as a child.
But nobody ought to regard it merely as making a cross on paper;
everyone ought to regard it as what it ultimately is, branding the
fleur-de-lis, marking the broad arrow, signing the death warrant.
Both men and women ought to face more fully the things they
do or cause to be done; face them or leave off doing them.

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NO PERCEPTION OF EMPTY TIME.--Our perception does not therefore act upon
empty time. Time must be filled with a procession of events, whether
these be within our own consciousness or in the objective world without.
All longer periods of time, such as hours, days, or years, are measured
by the events which they contain. Time filled with happenings that
interest and attract us seems short while passing, but longer when
looked back upon. On the other hand, time relatively empty of
interesting experience hangs heavy on our hands in passing, but, viewed
in retrospect, seems short. A fortnight of travel passes more quickly
than a fortnight of illness, but yields many more events for the memory
to review as the 'filling' for time.

title=View posts for June 2007

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Reid illustrates his positions against Hume to a length unnecessary to

Reid illustrates his positions against Hume to a length unnecessary to
follow. The objections are exclusively and effectively aimed at the two
unguarded points of the Utility system as propounded by Hume; namely,
first, the not recognizing moral rules as established and enforced
among men by the dictation of authority, which does not leave to
individuals the power of reference to ultimate ends; and, secondly, the
not distinguishing between obligatory, and non-obligatory, useful acts.

title=View all posts filed under texas pet boarding facility

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Brown gives an exposition of Practical Ethics under the usual heads:

Duties to Others, to God, to Ourselves
Brown gives an exposition of Practical Ethics under the usual heads:
Duties to Others, to God, to Ourselves. Duties to others he classifies
thus:--I.--_Negative_, or abstinence from injuring others in Person,
Property, Affections, Character or Reputation, Knowledge (veracity),
Virtue, and Tranquillity; II. _Positive_, or Benevolence; and
III.--Duties growing out of our _peculiar ties_--Affinity, Friendship,
Good offices received, Contract, and Citizenship.



GROWTH OF A CONCEPT.--We can perhaps best understand the nature of the
concept if we watch its growth in the thinking of a child. Let us see
how the child forms the concept _dog_, under which he is able finally to
class the several hundred or the several thousand different dogs with
which his thinking requires him to deal. The child"s first acquaintance
with a dog is, let us suppose, with a pet poodle, white in color, and
named _Gyp_. At this stage in the child"s experience, _dog_ and _Gyp_
are entirely synonymous, including Gyp"s color, size, and all other
qualities which the child has discovered. But now let him see another
pet poodle which is like Gyp except that it is black in color. Here
comes the first cleavage between _Gyp_ and _dog_ as synonyms: _dog_ no
longer means white, but may mean _black_. Next let the child see a brown
spaniel. Not only will white and black now no longer answer to _dog_,
but the roly-poly poodle form also has been lost; for the spaniel is
more slender. Let the child go on from this until he has seen many
different dogs of all varieties: poodles, bulldogs, setters, shepherds,
cockers, and a host of others. What has happened to his _dog_, which at
the beginning meant the one particular little individual with which he

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Friday, July 13, 2007

[Footnote 12: This theory (taken in its most general sense, and apart

from differences in the estimation of particular pleasures and pains),
had been proclaimed long before the time of Epicurus
[Footnote 12: This theory (taken in its most general sense, and apart
from differences in the estimation of particular pleasures and pains),
had been proclaimed long before the time of Epicurus. It is one of the
various theories of Plato: for in his dialogue called Protagoras
(though in other dialogues he reasons differently) we find it
explicitly set forth and elaborately vindicated by his principal
spokesman, Sokrates, against the Sophist Protagoras. It was also held
by Aristippus (companion of Sokrates along with Plato) and by his
followers after him, called the Cyrenaics. Lastly, it was maintained by
Eudoxus, one of the most estimable philosophers contemporary with
Aristotle. Epicurus was thus in no way the originator of the theory:
but he had his own way of conceiving it--his own body of doctrine
physical, cosmological, and theological, with which it was
implicated--and his own comparative valuation of pleasures and pains.]

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Wednesday, July 11, 2007

It appears to have been understood before Jenner"s time that

persons who had acquired cowpox by handling cattle, but
especially by milking cows, were immune from smallpox
It appears to have been understood before Jenner"s time that
persons who had acquired cowpox by handling cattle, but
especially by milking cows, were immune from smallpox. In the
reign of Charles II. it is well known that the court beauties
envied the dairy-maids because having had cowpox, they could
not take smallpox which all women so dreaded. Dr. Corlett tells
us that the Duchess of Cleveland, one of the King"s mistresses,
on being told that she might lose her place in the royal favor
if she were disfigured by smallpox, replied that she had
nothing to fear as she had had cowpox. In 1769 a German, Bose,
wrote on the subject of cowpox protecting from smallpox. In the
year 1774 a cattle dealer, Benjamin Jesty, at Yetminster, in
Dorset, inoculated his wife and three children with cowpox.
None of them ever took smallpox during the rest of their lives
although frequently exposed to its infection. Jesty died in
1816, and it is recorded on his tombstone that he was the first
person who inoculated cowpox to protect from smallpox. Cowpox,
or vaccinia, though infectious for cows, is not transmissible
among human beings, in other words, as a disease of man it is
not infectious. Edward Jenner, the Englishman of Berkeley in
Gloucestershire, was the first person to think scientifically
on the fact that cowpox protected from smallpox. John Hunter
had said to him, 'Jenner, don"t think, try.' Luckily, however,
he did both. Thinking alone avails little, experimentation
alone avails not much, but the one along with the other has
removed mountains. Just as Newton thought scientifically about
that falling apple and reduced our conceptions of the universe
to order, just as Watt thought scientifically about that
kettle-lid lifted by the steam and so introduced the modern era
of mechanical power brought under man"s control, so Jenner
thought about and experimented with cowpox until he had
satisfied himself that he had discovered something which would
rid the human race forever of the incubus of an intolerable


The general class of risks in this company were of excellent quality, as

the figures show
The general class of risks in this company were of excellent quality, as
the figures show. Nevertheless, the abstainers exhibited a far lower
mortality than that experienced by the general class.

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Tuesday, July 10, 2007

The eye-lid reflex, elicited by a sudden noise, showed the next largest

effect, the time of response being increased 7 per cent
The eye-lid reflex, elicited by a sudden noise, showed the next largest
effect, the time of response being increased 7 per cent. and the degree
of movement decreased 19 per cent.


Monday, July 9, 2007

In this connection may be mentioned cholesteryl acetate and

benzoate and other substances which possess two crystalline
phases, one of which is liquid, unlike other liquids, however,
in being anisotropic
In this connection may be mentioned cholesteryl acetate and
benzoate and other substances which possess two crystalline
phases, one of which is liquid, unlike other liquids, however,
in being anisotropic. As in the preceding cases, these phases
are expressions of equilibrium at different temperatures.


In recognition of this condition we touch again the

overshadowing fact in the history of Europe, the effect of
'military selection' on the human breed
In recognition of this condition we touch again the
overshadowing fact in the history of Europe, the effect of
'military selection' on the human breed.


Sunday, July 8, 2007

Constructed with reference to the broken-down state of ancient society,

and seeking its highest aim in a regeneration of humanity, the
philosophical system of Neo-Platonism was throughout ethical or
ethico-religious in spirit; yet its ethics admits of no great
development according to the usual topics
Constructed with reference to the broken-down state of ancient society,
and seeking its highest aim in a regeneration of humanity, the
philosophical system of Neo-Platonism was throughout ethical or
ethico-religious in spirit; yet its ethics admits of no great
development according to the usual topics. A pervading ethical
character is not incompatible with the absence of a regular ethical
scheme; and there was this peculiarity in the system, that its end,
though professedly moral, was to be attained by means of an
intellectual regimen. In setting up its ideal of human effort, it was
least of all careful about prescribing a definite course of external


Similarly, tin exists under two stable forms, white and gray,

the one above, the other below the transitional point, which
is, in this case, 18 degrees C
Similarly, tin exists under two stable forms, white and gray,
the one above, the other below the transitional point, which
is, in this case, 18 degrees C. At this temperature white tin
is in a metastable condition, and transforms into the gray
variety. The transformation goes on, then, at ordinary
temperatures, but, fortunately for us as users of tin
implements, very slowly. Its velocity can be increased,
however, by lowering the temperature, on which, then, not only
the transformation itself, but its rate depends.


Saturday, July 7, 2007


Apple tapioca pudding $.04
Rice, boiled (side order) .04
Bath buns .06
Pie, apple .07
Pie, rhubarb .08
Apple, baked .09
Pie, strawberry .09
Cocoa .09
Crullers .10
*Fish cakes with tomato sauce .13
Muffins, corn .13
*Lamb croquette and mashed potatoes .14
*Beans, Boston baked .15
*Beef, corned .15
Pie, lemon .15
Chicken wings on toast .16
Napoleon .16
*Salad, potato .16
Toast, buttered .16
Cream roll .17
*Beef, creamed, chipped, on toast .18
Cakes, butter .19
*Roast, Vienna, and spaghetti and potatoes .19
Pudding, tapioca, creamed .20
Sandwich, oyster .20
*Veal cutlet, breaded and tomato sauce .20
*Beef, corned, hash browned in pan .21
*Liver and bacon .21
*Roast, Vienna, with French fried potatoes .21
*Stew, lamb .21
*Beans, New York, baked .22
Cakes, buckwheat, with maple cane sirup .22
Coffee, cup of (contained cream and sugar) .22
Pudding, bread, with vanilla sauce .24
*Beef, corned, hashed, steamed .25
Oatmeal, fresh cooked, with cream .25
*Stew, beef .25
Pie, oyster .26
Potatoes, French fried, extra order .26
*Sandwich, ham .26
*Beef, creamed, chipped .27
*Sandwich, corned beef .27
*Beef, corned, hashed, steamed, with poached egg .28
*Mackerel, broiled salt, with mashed potatoes .28
Milk .29
Pudding, rice, cold .29
*Rice, hot, with poached egg .29
Soup, bean, with croutons .29
*Sandwich, minced chicken .30
Cornstarch, chocolate, with cream .31
Ice cream, strawberry .31
*Omelet, ham .32
Sandwich, cream cheese walnut .32
*Omelet, plain .33
Cornstarch, vanilla, with cream .34
*Omelet, onion .34
*Oyster fry, small .34
*Eggs, fried (2) .35
*Sandwich, fried egg .35
Sausage, country .35
*Chicken croquette and French fried potatoes .36
*Eggs, creamed, on toast .36
*Omelet, parsley .37
*Omelet, Spanish, with French fried potatoes .37
*Sandwich, tomato .39
*Eggs, scrambled (2) .40
*Lamb chops (2) .40
Sandwich, club .40
*Salad, tuna fish .41
Custard .43
*Sandwich, chicken, sliced .43
*Steak, tenderloin .43
*Ham, fried .44
*Sandwich, roast beef, hot .44
Strawberries with cream .44
Toast, milk .45
*Eggs, boiled (2) .47
*Omelet, chicken .47
*Sandwich, minced chicken with lettuce .49
*Eggs, poached on toast (2) .59
*Shad, baked, and dressing .61
